Category: News

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Google’s Drone-Deliveries Boosted By Pandemic

The value of drone delivery services appears to have been realised now that the world’s population centres are in lockdown, with Alphabet’s (Google’s) drone deliveries doubling in test areas in the U.S. and Australia. What Drone Delivery Service? Alphabet Inc.’s Wing service offers parcel delivery by special drone aircraft.  In the U.S. the service was…
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Make Your Own Adverts With YouTube’s Free Video Builder Tool

YouTube has launched YouTube Video Builder, a free tool that enables businesses to easily make short video adverts. Easy To Use The new free (beta) Video Builder tool enables users to create video animations from static elements such as images, text and logos, and to enhance those videos with music from YouTube’s (Google’s) library. Users can…
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Coronavirus Tracking

Following recent Wall Street Journal reports that phone data from tech companies and data providers is being used to track the movements of Americans in order to better understand the spread of COVID-19, here’s a look at how data and apps are being used worldwide in the common fight against the virus. Americans Tracked By…
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Data Reveals Business Worries About Remote Working Challenges

London-based security company Redscan has reported that recent Google searches reveal how businesses are focused on how they can adapt to the security and technology challenges posed by remote working. Not Prepared This does appear to show, perhaps not surprisingly, given the speed at which the spread of the COVID-19 virus led to the temporary…
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Research Indicates Zoom Is Being Targeted By Cybercriminals

With many people working from home due to coronavirus, research by Check Point indicates that cyber-criminals may be targeting the video conferencing app ‘Zoom’. Domains Cybersecurity company ‘Check Point’ reports witnessing a major increase in new domain registrations in the last few weeks where the domain name includes the word ‘Zoom’.  According to a recent…
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Google Warns Against Disabling Websites During Lockdown

Google has warned businesses that are tempted to disable or temporarily close their online business website during the coronavirus outbreak not to do so, as this could have a lasting, detrimental effect on its (SEO) search engine  rankings. Why Disable or Close Down The Website? The coronavirus outbreak has meant reduced orders for many businesses…
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Viruses Killed By Robots

Robots armed with UV-C ultraviolet light beams that can effectively disinfect surfaces in a hospital room in 10-20 minutes are helping in the fight against COVID-19. UVD Robots, Denmark The robots, which are reported to have been shipped in considerable numbers to Wuhan in China, Asia, and parts of Europe are manufactured in Denmark’s third-largest…
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Cybercriminals Hijacking Netflix and Other Streaming Accounts

It has been reported that the surge in the use of streaming music and video services has been accompanied by a surge in the number of user accounts being taken over by cybercriminals. Entertainment During Isolation Self-isolation and the instruction to stay at home during the next few weeks in the COVID-19 crisis has meant…
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Maintaining Security During The COVID-19 Health Crisis

The current global health crisis may bring many different IT security challenges to businesses and organisations and this article highlights some of the ways that you can prepare to keep IT security covered as best you can at this difficult time. Larger and Smaller Businesses – Some Different Challenges Larger organisations may be at an…
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Hospitality hit hard today

Boris Johnson  announced at a press release today that the government would like people work from home, to avoid social gatherings. He advised Pregnant women, people in the 70 + age group and those with various health conditions should seek advise consider the advice and isolate. He said “People in at-risk groups will be asked…
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